
How To See Uploaded Videos On Youtube

After editing a video in Clipchamp and exporting it, you have the option to upload information technology directly to YouTube:

However, sometimes there are errors in this upload process. This article lists steps you can accept to fix the problem if:

  1. the upload appears to terminate successfully (it reaches 100%) but you lot don't see the video in your YouTube channel

  2. you lot see an error message or nix happens when you attempt to upload to YouTube


1. What to do if the video uploaded simply is non showing in your YouTube channel

One time you successfully finish uploading a video, the progress bar will reach 100% and a link will display:

If you see this link but you tin't see the video in your channel, it's possible your video may not appear due to your YouTube account's privacy settings.

Effort locating the video in YouTube'due south "Video Manager". To access the Video Manager, use this link or go to and log in to your account. Click on "My Aqueduct", so "Video Managing director", then "Videos".

Exercise you run into the video you uploaded in at that place? If and then, you tin can change the privacy settings to brand it announced publicly in your channel, too every bit make other adjustments.

In add-on to uploading to YouTube, we recommend you also salvage the video to your computer (this saving process is instant and will non accept extra fourth dimension). This ensures you have a local copy in example of whatsoever upload issues.


ii. What to do if you see an error message or zippo happens

If you're using Clipchamp's direct YouTube upload option and are seeing an error message during the upload process, or the upload does not offset at all:

  • disable extensions such as Ghostery and AdBlock Plus and reload the page (IMPORTANT: if yous reload the page you will have to convert, shrink or record your video again. If you don't want to do this, we recommend saving the video to your calculator and uploading it separately via

  • check you are logged in to the right YouTube account (eastward.g. open YouTube in another tab), so retry the upload.

  • if your video is longer than 15minutes, cheque if your YouTube account is fix for long video uploads – meet this YouTube help commodity for how to do this.

If you have followed the above steps and the problem persists, effort deleting the browser cookies on that are related to Google and YouTube. In Chrome you can practice this by clicking the lock symbol in the browser address bar, then clicking on Cookies:

In the popup that comes up, remove all entries related to Google and YouTube ( thousand. select and and click Remove):

Later that, close the popup and reload the folio (one time once again, we recommend saving the video to your computer first if you don't want to lose information technology). Then try exporting and uploading your video again. Yous will be prompted to login and connect your YouTube account once more.

If the steps above do not help, we propose you save the processed video to your estimator and then upload it straight on


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