Customize your child's experience on YouTube Kids

In add-on to using parental controls and settings, you lot can sign in to the YouTube Kids app to block channels or plow on YouTube Premium benefits. You can also sign in to YouTube using your linked parent account to:

  • Cake content, or
  • Share content from YouTube to your kid's YouTube Kids profile.

Yous can likewise report videos that you find inappropriate in the YouTube Kids app. The YouTube policy team volition review the videos. If you're signed in when you written report a video, it's besides blocked from the YouTube Kids app when you're signed in.

Sign in to the YouTube app to customize content

Share content

You can share channels and videos from the YouTube app to your child'south YouTube Kids account. Sharing videos from the YouTube app allows your child to watch videos that may not be available with the YouTube Kids content setting. Shared content will remain on your child's home screen until it'due south unshared or blocked.

Tip: You can use the sharing feature to customize the content that shows up on your child's abode screen.

Share content from YouTube to your child's YouTube Kids feel

Note: To apply the sharing characteristic, you lot must exist signed in with the Google Business relationship linked to your child's supervised Google Business relationship or YouTube Kids profile. This feature is just available on the YouTube app on mobile devices.

Share content from YouTube using your linked parent account

To share content from the YouTube app:

  1. Tap More next to any video or channel page you'd like to share, OR under the video thespian, tap SHARE .
  2. In the dialog, tap With kids.This pickvolition merely surface if your account is linked to a YouTube Kids profile or a supervised Google Account.
  3. Tap the SHARE push button adjacent to the Kids contour you want to share the video to.
  4. When the button changes to "UNSHARE," you tin can tap Washed to exit the dialog.

Your kid can view shared content under the Shared tab on the YouTube Kids Habitation screen.

Fifty-fifty though you may want to, in that location are certain videos or channels you lot can't share with your kid's account:

  • Age restricted videos
  • Videos with paid product placement
  • Live videos (available to share once the live stream is over)
  • Purchased content
  • Videos and channels that you've previously blocked in YouTube Kids for that child
  • Shorts

Unshare content you've previously shared with your child

To remove content, you've previously shared with your child:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Kids.
  2. Click or tap on the Shared tab. This tab will show the content you've shared with your kid.
  3. Block any content you no longer want your child to view.


  1. Sign in to the YouTube app.
  2. Go to the specific channel or video you've shared with your child previously.
  3. Tap More next to the video or channel, OR
    1. Under the video actor, tap Share .
  4. In the dialog, tap With Kids.This selection volition only surface if your account is linked to a YouTube Kids profile or a supervised Google Account.
  5. Tap the UNSHARE push next to the child you want to unshare the video with.
  6. When the button changes to "SHARE" you can tap Done to go out the dialog.

Block channels from YouTube

When you block a channel for your child's YouTube Kids contour using your linked parent account, you lot won't find information technology in YouTube Kids.

If you set up a supervised feel for your kid's Google Business relationship, you can block channels for them on YouTube. Y'all'll need to use your linked parent account to cake channels.

Blocking YouTube channels on supervised accounts


  • If your child uses the same Google Account for YouTube and YouTube Kids, whatever channels blocked on YouTube will also exist blocked on YouTube Kids.
  • Blocking a channel but blocks content uploaded to that specific channel. It doesn't block videos that are reuploaded on other channels, or similar channels with related content.

Cake specific channels from YouTube using your linked parent account

To block a specific channel from YouTube on your figurer:

  1. Become to the channel page for the YouTube aqueduct you want to block.
  2. Go to the Nearly tab on the channel page.
  3. Click Report user .
  4. Select Block channel for kids. This option will only surface if you lot're using your linked parent account.
  5. A pop-up may surface alerting y'all that similar videos may still be available on other channels. Click Go along.
  6. Select Block adjacent to the kid y'all'd like to block this channel for.
  7. BLOCK will alter to UNBLOCK, giving you the option to undo the action.
  8. Click DONE.

To block a specific channel from the YouTube app:

  1. Go to the channel page for the YouTube channel yous want to block.
  2. Tap More than .
  3. Tap Block aqueduct for kids. This choice will only surface if y'all're using your linked parent account.
  4. A pop-up may surface alerting yous that similar videos may yet exist available on other channels. Tap CONTINUE.
  5. Tap BLOCK next to the child you'd like to cake this channel for.
  6. BLOCK volition change to UNBLOCK, giving you lot the option to undo the activeness.
  7. Tap Done .

You lot can also block content straight in YouTube Kids on your child'southward device.

Unblock content from YouTube

If you lot change your mind about a channel you've blocked, you can clear it in YouTube using your linked parent account.

Unblock individual channels from YouTube using your linked parent account

To unblock individual channels from YouTube, using your linked parent account:

​On a computer:

  1. Become to the channel folio for the YouTube channel you want to unblock.
  2. Go to the About tab on the channel page.
  3. Click Written report user .
  4. Select Block channel for kids.This option will just surface if you're using your linked parent account.
  5. A pop-upward may surface alerting you that similar videos may still be available on other channels. Click Go along.
  6. Select UNBLOCK adjacent to the kid you'd like to unblock this aqueduct for.
  7. UNBLOCK volition change to BLOCK, giving you the option to undo the action.
  8. Click Washed.

In the YouTube app:

  1. Go to the channel folio for the YouTube aqueduct you desire to unblock.
  2. Tap More .
  3. Tap Block channel for kids. This selection volition just surface if you're using your linked parent account.
  4. A pop-up may surface alerting you that like videos may nevertheless exist available on other channels. Tap Go along.
  5. Tap UNBLOCK next to the child you'd like to unblock this channel for.
  6. UNBLOCK will change to BLOCK, giving you the option to undo the activeness.
  7. Tap DONE.

You can besides unblock content straight in YouTube Kids on your child's device.

Unblock all content from YouTube using your linked parent account

To unblock all videos and channels from YouTube, using your linked parent account:

  1. Sign in to YouTube with your linked parent account.
  2. Go to your contour film .
  3. Select Settings .
  4. Select Parent Settings.
    1. If yous're on a computer, select Manage settings for your kids, next to "Parent Settings."
  5. Select your kid.
  6. Under Full general SETTINGS, click Unblock videos.
  7. A pop-upward may surface alerting you that all content you've blocked in YouTube and YouTube Kids will be unblocked. Select UNBLOCK.

You lot tin can likewise unblock content directly in YouTube Kids on your kid's device.

Sign in to YouTube Kids to customize content

Cake content from YouTube Kids

When you block a video or aqueduct in YouTube Kids, you won't find it when yous're signed in. If you try to block a video while signed out, a dialog will open up asking y'all to sign in.

You can also study videos that yous find inappropriate in YouTube Kids. The YouTube policy team volition review the videos.

YouTube Kids: How to block videos

Block content from YouTube Kids

You can block a video from the habitation screen:

  1. Tap More next to the video.

  2. Tap Block this video .

  3. Enter the numbers that evidence on the screen, or enter your custom passcode.

You can cake a video or channel from the spotter page:

  1. Tap More than at the peak of the video.
  2. Tap Block .
  3. In the dialog that opens, selectBlock this video merely,or selectBlock entire channel to block the channel associated with the video.
  4. Tap BLOCK.
  5. Enter the numbers that show on the screen, or enter your custom passcode.

You tin can too block channels from YouTube, using your linked parent account.

Unblock content from YouTube Kids

If yous change your mind about a video or channel you lot've blocked, you lot can clear it in Settings. If you sign out of YouTube Kids, any content yous've blocked while signed in will be available when you lot sign out.

Unblock content with the YouTube Kids app

Note: If you're using YouTube Kids with Family Link, you can also unblock videos in the Family unit Link settings. Learn more than.

YouTube Premium

Y'all can sign in to the YouTube Kids app to turn on YouTube Premium benefits in the app. Offset you'll need a YouTube Premium membership on your own Google Account. And so you tin associate your YouTube Premium membership with the YouTube Kids app.

Turn on YouTube Premium benefits in YouTube Kids

To associate your YouTube Premium membership with the YouTube Kids app:

  1. Open the YouTube Kids app on your mobile device.
    • If you're signing in for the get-go time, yous'll be asked to confirm your nativity year.
  2. Sign in with your Google Account that has YouTube Premium.
    • If the account with your YouTube Premium membership is already signed in to a Google app on this device, select information technology from the account picker. If not, tap Add an account to this device and follow the on-screen instructions to sign in with your Google Business relationship.
    • If you haven't previously set up YouTube Kids and created kid profiles using this account, you'll need to do so.
  3. YouTube Premium fellow member benefits will at present exist set to use in the YouTube Kids app on this device. Premium features, such as groundwork play or offline videos, can exist turned on or off for your kid. You can also select the amount of video content your child can store on the device.

If spotter and search history are turned on for your child, it's limited to the YouTube Kids app on that device. Your child's watch and search history will not be linked to your Google Account.

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